Monday, January 19, 2015

Alligator mount: Finally got my new trophy back from the taxidermist!

I have been waiting since October to get my alligator head back from the taxidermist.  I sent my gator down to Deland, FL to a guy named John Walker (John Walker Taxidermy) and the estimated time to complete was 3-4 months.  It took roughly 3 months to get it back.  I am really happy with the product and after going back/forth about getting a skin-on mount, I can't see doing it any other way.  I have a 9' alligator skull that is European mounted with just bleached bone and this is WAY cooler.  I can't foresee killing a bigger alligator because despite the 12' length, she had the skull of a 13.5' alligator (nicknamed Punkin head) which is an anomaly by itself.  The likelihood I kill a 14' alligator is near zero so this is most likely a lifetime trophy and a one time deal.  Regardless, it's very reasonable if you can get around the shipping to the facility.  Shipping of frozen head from Alabama to Florida @ 80lbs next day:  $364.00.   Shipping of finished product from taxidermist:  $65.00.  The price of the heads can vary depending on length and mine was the maximum amount charged at $450.00.  I was lucky and had a friend drop my head by the facility direct for $100.00 in gas money so I have $615.00 total in mine.  Considering the scope of work and quality of product, I find this very reasonable considering what a similar product can be. 

This is the only picture we took with both of us in it.  We hauled the gator to the edge of the river once we killed it for a quick photo and used the video feature on our phone since we were the only two people for miles.

This is me and despite the smile, I will suffer from heat exhaustion later in the day.  I jumped in the river after this picture despite the fact I just hauled a 12' alligator out of it.  South Alabama is no where to be without shade for 5 hours during the summer and the hot part of the day.  We ran out of water to drink 1.5 hours into the fight.

The final product.  It is felt lined front and bottom with plaster inserts for the throat and the bottom jaw.  Its skin is cured and the bone/skin is the original.  No plastic or carbon fiber replica here.  Epoxy is used to give it that wet/oily look like when they are alive.  As I said before, I would do this again and I am really glad I chose this route.  A trophy of a lifetime and one I can harass my wife with for years to come.

For more information on the mount go here:

John Walker Gators

Seem to be good folk.