Thursday, April 4, 2013

Garden Time: 04/04/2013

A quick update on all my progress.  I will note that in inherited a backyard from the previous tenant when I bought this home in November 2012.  The previous owner had never done ANYTHING in the back yard.  That includes the grass, trimming the hydrangea's or the Azalea's.  So..........I have done a ton of work and still have at least that much more to go.  I hope to have it configured by the end of summer, all beds and borders in place at least if not planted.  So many plants to choose from!!!  One of the many joys of buying a new home is a new start, which includes the new plants that you put in.  Here is where we are:

My raised graden, 4x8, has okra, straight neck squash, and cucumbers all planted.  None showing at this time.  We got a lot of rain the last few day so we should have plants next week if I didn't screw anything up.
My pretty, but neglected Azalea.  It will receive a severe pruning after it finishes flowering this year so it will fit the bet it was provided and will quit shading my grass out.
 Another color of Azalea present......but has been allowed to grow "wild" and is not as full and bushy as it needs to be.  Another recipient of a good trimming when it finishes flowering.  I will use this area as a good sized bed but I am waiting till my plants get a little bigger before the mulch and borders show up.  Will probably get to this section of the back yard in May.......hopefully.  Probably do boarders soon.
I have three hydrangea's that follow the back line of this soon-to-be flower garden.  Most of the hydrangea's will be light to dim blue in color, which is typical for this area, given the acidic soil.
As you can see, I have been an ambitious gardener and have a ton of plants on the way.  I have run out of room or there would be more.  I wish I had a green house so I could have started earlier this year and my plants be ready to harden off.
My peppers and some tomato's that have their first true leaves.  They are coming along nicely.  I pot these to keep the Central Alabama sun from burning them up in July.  They will be porch plants in June.
 My table on the back porch..........

I still have quite a bit left to sprout with Holly Hock, Veronica, Nuestrium, Commelina Dianthifolia, and two types of Cosmos still waiting to come to life.

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