Monday, April 1, 2013

Garden Time: Part two

Update to my previous garden post..............04/01/2013

My tomato's that I planted in February are still barely more then seedlings.  The cold weather and lack of sufficient sun really put them behind.  Three weeks ago, I made a significant run at starting my flowers.  Most of my planting from this batch have sprouted and separated from the seedbed to their own cups.  I like cups, because they are so easy to reuse from year to year  AND the plants come out without hurting the root systems.

The pepper plants have done really well and have been tempered to the sun over the last several days. Out of 10-12 tomato plants, I still had five yesterday.  Last nights heavy rain has left me with two.  I shouldn't have left the other three under the eave of the house last night.  I am still ahead of the curve on the peppers and the few tomato's I still have.  All the Cayenne peppers died however and I have since replanted a large plat of both cayenne and Jetstar tomato's.  I hope to have them up by this coming weekend.  I was able to get okra, my hybrid yellow straight neck squash, and some cucumbers in my raised garden before it rained.  I hope they will sprout quickly before temps. start getting over highs in the 70's during the day.


My Twinkle Mix Phlox is a lot stronger then I first imagined them being.  Nearly all my seeds emerged and the leaves have really broadened with the first hints of true leaves showing now.  I should have a find stand of those this year, which was my personal favorite pick.........

I had really good luck with Saponaria Ocymoides as well.  While a ferocious ground cover, it is a mere wisp of a reed  with small pine needle sized leaves in the dirt right now.  I am sure that will change soon.  Nearly all of those emerged leaving me with 12-14 individual plants.  I will be giving a few of them away it would seem.

Believe it or not.....I still don't......I got my Dragon's Blood ground cover to sprout.  It was the smallest seed I had ever seen.  A grain of sand didn't have anything on these seeds.  Regardless, I have about 6 plants that are so small, you literally almost need a magnifier to see them.  I hope I can keep them around long enough to get them in the ground.  I am really anxious to see what they look like mature.

My new Pinata rose I bought two weeks ago is really coming along.  I have been impressed with the color and frequency of blooms for such a small plant.  It is a climbing variety and should be a striking addition to my garden with some age and height.


It appears I mislabeled one row of seeds and now have no idea what 8 of my emerged plants are.  I do this every year and it's totally annoying.  I guess time will tell.  As the small boxes become full, all available table space has been utilized, you can tell it's spring!  I will post pictures later of all my new little plants!

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