Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Overview, year in review 2013/2014...........

It was an interesting year, 2013.  The birth of my first child Allen W. Adams and all the wonderful things becoming a father entails.  This year also saw my Brittany Boone become a more polished dog in the field.  Deer season was a complete bust however and resulted in 3 animals.....two small bucks and a doe for the freezer.  The weather was good, the football season was a BIG suprise, and 2014 is already shaping out to be a memorable year.

 My little buddy, in all his cute chubbiness.

 Boone backing a GSP while quail hunting in Headland, AL.

 A 115lb hog killed on our annual pack-in trip to N. Ga.  Finally killed something this year.

 Yogi bear.....who loves bird seed.

 125lb hog killed in the Sipsey Wilderness Area in N. AL on a late season March hunt.

 Boone doing his best picture pose yet while locking a quail down in standing corn.

Auburn surprised everyone with a ticket to the National Championship game.  What a year!

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