Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Update to some of my earlier posts............

I spoke with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Division the other day and it was determined the giant Northern Hogsucker I had posted earlier would NOT be recognized as a state record.  It may very well be the state record BUT.....they stated the additional work it would take to keep track of every fish in Georgia with subsequent records would simply be too much work and this was not considered a desired or sought game fish.  Seems like the lazy man's excuse but it wasn't my decision to make(I may be biased).  I did submit it to GON(Georgia Outdoor News) last week and they said they may run the picture.  The Fisheries Department is supposed to send me a validation of the catch with confirmed weight/length/species as a keepsake. We shall see.

Now on to gardening.........

I had a tree in the back yard, inherited like everything else, I couldn't identify.  Well, it finally bloomed and I was able to figure it out.   It's a Lavender Rose of Sharon Hibiscus and a mature specimen at that.   It had a short bloom however, as typical with large flowers, it only graced my yard for a brief moment.  

My raised vegetable garden is a disaster and is all but lost.  I have some okra finally coming on, one squash plant, and a cucumber plant that may still produce.  The tomato's growing right next to the garden look like great however.  I am blaming the lack of sun on the poor production.  Next year, it's tomato's and peppers in the raised garden, since they seem to prefer this section of the yard.  I cut a small Oak down that was partially shading this box out and it has done better.......still not good enough.  Next year it will be better.......You never know till you try.

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