Friday, June 21, 2013

Garden Update 06/21/2013

 My Canna Lillies have really taken off.  I started seeing them come up around March and what the worms/slugs haven't eaten, have done really well.  The previous owners planted these and they are not in the right place and are cramped due to spreading.  I will be digging these up when the foliage dies in the Fall.
 This is a Commelina Dianthifolia.  This is really a neat little flower.  When it sprouts it looks a lot like a grass shoot until it gets 8-10" tall and produces a little pod.  The pod has several little buds deep inside if you look down into it.  Each morning, a new electric blue flower rolls out for 4-5 days straight.  The bloom lasts only several hours as the sun withers it away.  A very neat, hardy to sun/drought, little addition.  Grows in clumps like grass.

 My Cosmos!  They have done really well this year.  I have never grown Cosmos and when I ordered a mix packet online, I really didn't know what to expect.  They have surpassed my expectations.  While it seems I am good at growing mainly orange, they seem to bloom steadily and consistently with 2-3" blooms that last 4-5 days before another takes it's place.  I will have a LOT of these next year.  They love the sun, have brilliant colors that really stand out, and don't require lots of water.
Some more of my "Twinkle Star Mix" that I ordered online.  These were not the easiest things to grow.  I killed quite a few before I got enough plants to make a couple pots of them.  They are really moisture specific and don't like to have wet feet.  I did manage to keep a few going and have several more ready to bloom.  The one next to the blooming Phlox is going to be a deeper pink.  Once they start blooming, they really produce the flowers......reminds me of Vinca's, only smaller.

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