Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Garden update....06/05/2013

Wanted to give a quick update on some of my flowers I have blooming right now but I am still behind where I hoped to be at this point.  My yard still has a long way to go : (    That is enough of my whining and here are some pictures:

My Hydrangea's are really coming along.  Four established plants are along one small section of fence.  I didn't cut them back and while this one looks great, the other three are spindly.  Next year I will cut them closer to the ground to prevent drooping.  This one is rocking out though!

 I have no clue what this is.  It is growing beside my raised garden and was a very pretty purple.  I thought I might include it here.  Maybe someone else knows what it is.

 My blue Hosta's I didn't know I had, that came up in the middle of a bed I had cleared for something else, are blooming right now.  I am gonna move those this winter to a more shade friendly place.  Doing good here though as I didn't have the heart to dig them up mid-season after they had put so much energy into sprouting.  This bed gets a lot of sun and will be loaded with flowers next year.........I hope!

 The previous owners wanted to make it hard on me and planted random tulip bulbs around my yard.  One sprouts here, one sprouts there, and they are all random.  Kinda like a tulip Easter egg hunt.  This is one here that just bloomed.  I also have some Bearded varieties in a separate location.  Yet another plant I need to dig up and concentrate to a single location.

 I am so happy with my Cosmos's and how they have really come along.  When they decided they wanted to grow, boy did they.  I have several blooming, all have been orange thus far(secretly happy about that "War Eagle") but I thought I would have got a Cheddar Pink or two.  I planted a bunch of Pinks but no blooms yet.

 I have never been a huge marigold fan but this year may have changed my mind.  I bought a flat the other day, planted them in a very tough situation, and they have really been a joy to see every day.  Always blooming, never in need of deadheading, and they don't mind the extreme heat.  I liked the French version with the bi-coloring verses the double bloom or plain African variety.  The bugs hate them too!  Did I mention they were cheap?  I may have found a new staple for my garden!

  Saved my favorite for last.  Here is a Twinkle Star Phlox in red with white trim.  I absolutely love this plant.  It was harder to get going then I thought it would be.  With the weird year and the was hard to satisfy this plants heat desires.  It likes LOTS of sun.  I hope it really starts putting out soon.  This is the first bloom.

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